Tuesday, June 10, 2008

bathroom disaster and other summer fun

so this is my first official week off work for the summer.  i haven't done much.  the thing about being off work is that pretty much everyone else is at work.  yesterday i didn't talk to anyone until jc called at 5:45.  having a lot of free time should mean i can be super productive, but it tends to have the opposite effect with me.  always has.  so i just have to stand tall when people ask, "what did you do today?" or a completely fair "what time did you get up?"  i mean i like to sleep.  i also like staying up late when i don't have to be up early.

so today i made a point to get up in time to eat breakfast (yesterday it was more like an early lunch.)  i caught the end of the price is right...
boo-ring, and watched jeopardy which was a rare treat since true geniuses put it on right in the middle of the day.  i even got the final jeopardy question correct.  i worked on my pillow for a while, joined netflix, and also made it a point to actually call someone, so i wouldn't be a complete hermit.  k came over for a healthy lunch of sandwiches and fruit.  we also failed miserably on a mojitoish concoction.  it doesn't help that i don't have ice.  i mean that's somewhat productive. i decided to go to the y, and then some trouble began.  my toilet had been threatening to overflow all afternoon, so being the responsible and proactive tenant that i am, i went to the hardware store before the y to get a plunger.  i also picked up a weed eater...my yard is for a completely different blog altogether.  

when i got home i went directly to the bathroom to take care of the toilet situation.  i stuck in the plunger and did a little plungeage.  nothing seemed to happen, so i thought i probably needed to plunge after i tried to flush.  i did this, and then i experienced something i never witnessed in my life...a total toilet overflow.  luckily i was quick on my feet and got my cute mat out and pushed the shower curtain into the tub.  i wasn't able to save anything else.  i was so disgusted.  there was so much water that it was overwhelming.  thankfully the water started going down right as some other contents were about to come out.  if that hadn't happened, i would have just said forget it...i'm moving.  so gross.  the cleanup process took a while.  i ran to my porch and got the gardening gloves that my neighbor so graciously lent me and began my battle.  i had to totally disinfect everything in the toilet's path.  i don't know if i can ever look at my bathroom the same way again.  it's been tainted.  

tomorrow will be better...or at least just less gross.

hope you're not too disgusted.  stay tuned for more days in the life of a 4th grade teacher on summer break.  i'm sure you can't wait!


Anonymous said...

1st. mojitos at lunch on a tuesday.
2nd. 1st complete toilet overflow? seriously? how old are you?
3rd. the old "maybe i'll plunge while i flush" is a common tactic. one i have tried myself a few times. it may be the only tactic in said situation. but i know you better plunge like a... something that plunges real hard. contents rising to the top is unfortunate. but just like trudy. the facts of life.

robin said...

1st. so?
2nd. yes, it's my first. i've always found ways to avoid such matters aka letting mom take care of it. plus i've also always been very careful not to put unnecessary items in the commode. such a weird word.
3rd. thanks. i'll know to put some more muscle into it next time.

Anonymous said...

sounds like jc using paper towels again....at least you didn't have to have the 'rooter' come out yet. i emphasize yet.

Christy said...

you are a brave woman. a toilet overflow is a horrible experience. & don't feel bad about being your first - i tend to avoid such things as well. call if you are bored. jayden and i are usually hanging too (but usually not with mojitos:))

Stephanie said...

I love your blog, not many times I read about mojitos and plungers together. Cute bathroom accessories by the way, glad you could save them.