Monday, June 23, 2008

the results are in...

with all votes tallied (all 7) the side for enchiladas that received the most votes was chips.  "no side necessary" received two votes.  mine of course and my boyfriend's.  he's easy to please in the dinner cooking area...i like that.

the other thing i learned from my first poll ever is that exactly 7 people read my blog (including myself.)  either that or people just don't want to vote.  i don't know.  you tell me.  i have another poll to test it out.


Christy said...

i laughed- i like your polls and i vote.

jc said...

christy! quick on the draw.

perhaps your next poll question can be, "did you vote in my last poll?"

kelly said...

i would have voted, but i never know what to serve w/ enchiladads either! honestly, it's too big of a problem for a simple poll...

Stephanie said...

7 readers is probably 6 more than I have!!! By the way, I didn't vote and I read, so there are 8 of us!

Jen Haney said...

I read your blog!!! I do I do!!!!

I would have voted...please count me. I feel left out. :(